Welcome to PS/MS 007 Samuel Stern School
On behalf of our entire school community, We are happy to welcome you ! We look forward to working diligently with you to set forth high expectations for our Students and to break the pattern of failure and low expectations many of our Students have endured. High expectations lead to high achievement.
Michelle Martinez, Principal
Sandy George, Assistant Principal
Crystal Lamar, Parent Coordinator
Main Office Phone #: (212) 860-5827

Parent Survey
This survey is important for families to complete, and the deadline is April 4th. Complete the Survey Here
Families (Schools): Please enter a lowercase "f" followed by your student's OSIS number— for example, f123456789.
Summer Rising Program
The Summer Rising Application deadline is March 28th and is available for students in Grades K-3. Program Application
Parents will need to know their student's ID and should reach out to Ms. Crystal for the account creation code.
2024-2025 School Calendar

Rise Up! - PS/MS 007

Save for College
This program is available for students in Grades K-3:

Generation Wealth Workshop

Zoom Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 981 2559 2075
Password: 482933